One V.O.G.'s Thoughts for the Day

Taking the Hint

Nov 62009

About Windows Live Messenger’s popup:

“Never mind, I just keep telling it to go away all the time – but you’d have thought it would have taken the hint.”

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(No) Tea in Knightsbridge

Aug 72009
Gold BarsNOT such a good idea was a visit I recently made with a friend to a well-known Knightsbridge Hotel.
After spending an hour or two at the Harrods’ Sale we decided that before we drove home we would stop for a cup of tea at this nearby hotel.  After waiting a short while we were shown to a table in the lounge.  When we requested a pot of tea for two we were informed that this would be £40, the minimum charge per person being £20!!   Needless to say we left without the tea!!
Don’t miss VOG’s further adventures in this funny but exciting world we live in!
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Cambridge and Grantchester

Jul 152009
CAMBRIDGE – You can combine a visit to this famous University with afternoon tea in nearby Grantchester which is only a very short distance from the town centre
Tea at the Orchard
“The Orchard” is exactly what the name states.  An afternoon tea (and Lunch too) is available to enjoy  in this unique setting with indoor facilities should the weather not be favourable.  A visit here leave you with happy memories – not forgetting the wonderful University town, which has so very many wonderful memories for this particular VOG!!

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London St Pancras Station

Jul 142009
The magnificent soaring roof

The magnificent soaring roof

Here are a few more VOG’s recommendations for a lovely day out. Firstly, in the heart of London St. Pancras Station. A visit to this recently redesigned and very famous Station is a must. This is where one can take the Euro Tunnel to Paris or a train to many other destinations.

The arcades of shops and an assortment of lovely restaurants is a delight, and, incidentally, all under cover.

Shopping Mall and restaurants

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Chalfont St. Giles

Jul 122009

The Deli in Chalfont St. GilesToday I visited the beautiful village of Chalfont St. Giles in southwest Buckinghamshire.   I was with my son  and we stopped for a delightful tea at “The Deli” and they had lots of exciting things on the menu.  It was a typical English  village with a duck-pond and village green.  Next time we will visit “Merlin’s Cave” for a drink!    Finally, a visit to see Milton’s House is a must.

The Deli, 4a High Street, Chalfont St. Giles, Bucks, HP8 4QF. Tel. 01494-871099. Open for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea.

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The Beauty of Aging

Jan 22009

Adapted from The Woman’s Book of Spirit, by Susan Patton Thoele (Conari Press, 2006).

We live in a youth-worshipping society, but we are beginning to glean wisdom from indigenous and Eastern cultures who revere their elders. Age can bring a beautiful patina to the soul.

Here is a quotable quote about older women to send to all your friends, and a story about seeing a Grandmother Rock that was a huge inspiration to this author.

Those who choose to look at what they have gained from advancing years, rather than what they lose, generally have a lustrous heart and a gleam in their eye. Ideally, the experiences accrued throughout the years bring increased wisdom and instill an inner security that allows us to speak our truth fearlessly and act from an unshakeable sense of integrity. Here is great quote:

“Time and trouble will tame an advanced young woman, but an advanced old woman is uncontrollable by any earthly force.”
–Dorothy Sayers

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