One V.O.G.'s Thoughts for the Day

Advanced Style Appearing In Print!

Dec 272011

Congratulations to my friend Ari Seth Cohen: his Advanced Style blog is about to appear in print, of course in very elegant coffee-table format, early in 2012! I can’t wait to see it!

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Sep 12011


Do any of my more “senior friends” remember Ambrose and His Orchestra? Ambrose was very popular during the Forties and at the time I had a crush on one of his singers, Len Camber. So I was so excited to find a recording on YouTube of Len Camber singing “You Never Knew”! And yet another recording of “Time On My Hands”!

That certainly took me back to days that were!! And now I remember a time, during or just after the Second World War, when the BBC placed a ban on broadcasting these “crooners”, which included Len Camber. Read the rest of this entry »

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The World Today – a V.O.G.’s views

Aug 112011
Thinking about the state of the world today, and listening to the depressing news generally, my memories go back to how we coped during the forties when Europe was in turmoil and this country stood alone, not knowing what the future  held for us.
At the time, I was only a teenager, but I do remember how well we dealt with life at the time, how we helped one another.
I had intended to write about my experiences in war-time, but these memories were brushed aside when news came this week-end about the despicable rioting which has been taking place in London and surrounding cities.
Many of the perpetrators of these riots were young teenage children who were looting, stealing and setting fire to public, as well as private,  property.  The Police were also a target for their vile behaviour.  Where were these children’s parents?

People’s homes and livelihood and even their lives have been taken from them.  There are simply NO EXCUSES, whatever the reasons people may give or theories that experts may offer. It is time for us to work together and support one another just as we did during WWII – even though the threat is now coming from inside the country we always felt so proud to live in.

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Her Majesty’s Visit to Ireland

May 242011

I cannot allow last week’s visit to Ireland by the Queen to pass without giving praise to Her Majesty for the amazing manner in which she conducted herself at all times.
Imagine the strain each day of the possibility of being the target of a sniper’s bullet or even the victim of one of the (fortunately few) bombs which had been intercepted.

Throughout the whole visit the Queen carried out all her engagements looking lovely in her many delightful outfits and always appearing completely relaxed.

Finally, my personal praise has to go to Her Majesty for the way in which,on the night of the big Ball, she climbed those two flights of stairs unaided !

“God Save the Queen!”!

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My Highlights of the Royal Wedding

May 22011
I wouldn’t have missed it for anything and those cynics who didn’t want to know, well, it’s their loss!
I was glued to the TV for most of the day and, looking back, here are some of my highlights of this lovely occasion……………
Kate’s dress was beautiful and so is she (I love lace). Her sister’s dress too was simple but tasteful and the little bridesmaids and pageboys were delightful. Loved the Queen in a pretty shade of yellow……
The Mother of the Bride, too, looked very lovely and quietly elegant. THOSE HATS!!  I must say, some were a little O.T.T.!! (over-the-top!)………. I wonder if my friend Ari was anywhere near with his Camera?
William and Harry both looked very handsome in their uniforms.    Re the Guests:  Loved David Beckham, stylish and handsome (Pity his wife couldn’t manage a smile). Thought Boris Johnson looked quite dapper.
To sum up, I really think that all the guests made a very great effort to enhance this very memorable occasion.
A little P.S…….Did anyone catch a glimpse of the Duchess of Kent who I was so sad to see looked rather frail?
In conclusion, may I wish The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge a Healthy and Happy life together!
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Very Old Grandmother is #1 on Google!

Apr 282011

I awoke yesterday to find, to my surprise, that I was not only #1, but also in Google’s top three listings! There are, in fact, altogether ten references to my V.O.G. blog and I am delighted that so many lovely people have shown such great interest in my “doodles”!

I must certainly thank the very talented New York photographer Ari Seth Cohen for all his kind references to my blog and his great photos of me since he “fell over ” me in London last summer. Do see his “Advanced Style” blog for photos and articles which are amazing!

I have been “resting” just lately but promise to bring you more exciting “tit-bits” very soon.

In case you didn’t know, tomorrow is the Royal Wedding and I shall be glued to my TV!!

Watch this space!

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Advanced Style – Thank You Ari!

Apr 122011

I’m just amazed by all the wonderful comments from so many readers of Ari Seth Cohen’s “Advanced Style” blog,, as a result of the April 6 interview he had with me about my own V.O.G. blogging activities here!

You can see his article and the comments here.

All I can say is a big “thank you” to Ari and to all his readers!

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A Knighthood for John Simpson?

Mar 72011

With the recent news we are receiving from Libya I am filled with admiration for all the Newsmen and women who put their lives in danger in order for us to learn first-hand about situations as they occur.

In particular I would like to mention John Simpson who, over the years, has been reporting from all over the world in such countless dangerous situations so that we at home may be aware of what is happening.

In 1991 John Simpson was awarded the CBE in the Gulf War Honours List and I am now wondering whether it's time, twenty years on, for him to be given the honour to become Sir John Simpson?

Your comments or support would be appreciated!

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“Group Painting”

Jan 212011

Group Painting

Have any of you tried Group Painting? I did this Christmas and it was great fun. There were six of us and we shared a box of paints, some fine paintbrushes, sponges and a large sheet of drawing paper. We had to paint whatever came into our heads and the result is here!

Why not have a go?!

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My Mini Electric Chopper

Jan 172011

I now have a mini electric chopper and for a healthy breakfast I used it to grate the following:

  • An Apple
  • Celery
  • a Carrot
  • some Dates and Walnuts
  • Top with some Yoghurt and Honey

Delicious and quite a change from my usual Laughing Cow Cheese on Toast!!

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