Very Old Grandmother is #1 on Google!
Apr 282011
I awoke yesterday to find, to my surprise, that I was not only #1, but also in Google’s top three listings! There are, in fact, altogether ten references to my V.O.G. blog and I am delighted that so many lovely people have shown such great interest in my “doodles”!
I must certainly thank the very talented New York photographer Ari Seth Cohen for all his kind references to my blog and his great photos of me since he “fell over ” me in London last summer. Do see his “Advanced Style” blog for photos and articles which are amazing!
I have been “resting” just lately but promise to bring you more exciting “tit-bits” very soon.
In case you didn’t know, tomorrow is the Royal Wedding and I shall be glued to my TV!!
Watch this space!
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