One V.O.G.'s Thoughts for the Day

3 for 2

Mar 192012

There’s no doubt about it, the Supermarkets seem to think that we very Senior Citizens are stupid!

“Buy 3 melons and pay for 2”;  “Buy 3 loaves of bread and pay for 2”;  “Buy 24 toilet rolls and pay for 16” etc. etc.

Firstly, where are we going to put all these when we arrive home with them and will we be able to eat the food before it goes off!! –   and live long enough to use all the toilet rolls?!
So. it would seem that we are being penalised for only buying ONE item which costs us more, and consequently, we are   subsidizing all those 3 for  2 customers.  IS THIS RIGHT?
What do YOU think?
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posted under Thoughts
2 Comments to

“3 for 2”

  1. Avatar April 29th, 2013 at 4:17 pm ann Says:

    Find another single to share offers with. I get things which will go in the freezer

  2. Avatar May 5th, 2013 at 5:35 pm veryoldgrandmother Says:

    Hi Ann!

    Thanks for your kind suggestion!

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    ann (Guest):
    Find another single to share offers with. I get things which will go in the freezer
    12:17 p.m., Monday April 29


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