One V.O.G.'s Thoughts for the Day

Thank You!

Mar 52014

Birthday GreetingsThis is a very big apology to all my dear family, friends and numerous followers who have so kindly kept in touch with me during the past year while I have been a “little low”.

My birthday a couple of weeks ago was a great opportunity to do so, but unfortunately a massive cable outage in the London area left me, and many others, without phone or internet for almost a week, so this did not happen!

It’s ironic that, just as I was about to convey my appreciation to you all, I was unable to do so!!

Anyway, I am slowly on the mend and send my warm wishes to you all.

V.O.G. Love,

Rita (the V.O.G.)

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posted under Thoughts
One Comment to

“Thank You!”

  1. Avatar March 5th, 2014 at 12:42 pm Tammy Burks Says:

    So very happy to see you back! I had just joined your blog and then you disappeared. Glad to hear you are on the mend. Happy belated birthday!

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